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Our plans at a glance

All packages include: Unlimited orders, unlimited approvals, unlimited users & departments.


General functions to quickly optimize your purchase.

from 399€ per month

Order management

Release management

Automated orders

Real-time budget tracking

Budget analytics

Internal catalog

Microsoft Teams & Slack integration

Store integration: Amazon, Mercateo, Blumenbecker, Schäfer Shop

Single sign-on (Microsoft & Google)



Automatisierte Bestellungen

Echtzeit Budgettracking


Interner Katalog

Microsoft Teams & Slack Integration

Shop-Integration: Amazon, Mercateo, Blumenbecker, Schäfer Shop

Single Sign-on (Microsoft & Google)

Optional add-ons

DATEV integration


DATEV Integration




Purchasing software tailored to your company.

from 999€ per month

All functions from the Basic package

Invoice management

Webshop connections: Lyreco, Conrad, onlineprinters, Würth

ERP interface for orders / invoices

Cost Savings & Avoidance Analytics

Project purchasing

Supplier portal

Company news

Alle Funktionen aus dem Basic Paket


Webshopanbindungen: Lyreco, Conrad, onlineprinters, Würth

ERP Schnittstelle für Bestellungen / Rechnungen

Cost Savings & Avoidance Analytics




Optional add-ons

ERP onboarding

Further store connections

BI integration

Line Item Approval

Custom Fields


Weitere Shopanbindungen


Line Item Approval

Custom Fields


Comprehensive customization in a complete suite.

on request

All functions from the Business package

Contract management

ERP master data synchronization

BI integration

Line Item Approval

Custom Fields

Alle Funktionen aus dem Business Paket


ERP Stammdatensynchronisation


Line Item Approval

Custom Fields

Optional add-ons

Several companies

Webhooks interfaces

Mehrere Gesellschaften

Webhooks Schnittstellen


General functions to quickly optimize your purchase.

from 499€ per month

Order management

Release management

Automated orders

Real-time budget tracking

Budget analytics

Internal catalog

Microsoft Teams & Slack integration

Store integration: Amazon, Mercateo, Blumenbecker, Schäfer Shop

Single sign-on (Microsoft & Google)



Automatisierte Bestellungen

Echtzeit Budgettracking


Interner Katalog

Microsoft Teams & Slack Integration

Shop-Integration: Amazon, Mercateo, Blumenbecker, Schäfer Shop

Single Sign-on (Microsoft & Google)

Optional add-ons

DATEV integration


DATEV Integration




Purchasing software tailored to your company.

from 1199€ per month

All functions from the Basic package

Invoice management

Webshop connections: Lyreco, Conrad, onlineprinters, Würth

ERP interface for orders / invoices

Cost Savings & Avoidance Analytics

Project purchasing

Supplier portal

Company news

Alle Funktionen aus dem Basic Paket


Webshopanbindungen: Lyreco, Conrad, onlineprinters, Würth

ERP Schnittstelle für Bestellungen / Rechnungen

Cost Savings & Avoidance Analytics




Optional add-ons

ERP Onboarding

Further store connections

BI integration

Line Item Approval

Custom Fields

ERP Onboarding

Weitere Shopanbindungen


Line Item Approval

Custom Fields


Comprehensive customization in a complete suite.

on request

All functions from the Business package

Contract management

ERP master data synchronization

BI integration

Line Item Approval

Custom Fields

Alle Funktionen aus dem Business Paket


ERP Stammdatensynchronisation


Line Item Approval

Custom Fields

Optional add-ons

Several companies

Webhooks interfaces

Mehrere Gesellschaften

Webhooks Schnittstellen

Contact us

Individual price inquiry

We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer, tailored to your needs. you can also reach us at or +49 (0) 1512 8299488.

Your information


All functions in comparison



General functions



Tailored to you


The complete suite

Order management

Release management

Automated orders

Real-time budget tracking & analytics

Internal catalog

Microsoft Teams & Slack integration

Store integration

Amazon, Mercateo, Blumenbecker, Schäfer Shop

Basic + Lyreco, Conrad, onlineprinters, Würth


Single sign-on (Microsoft & Google)

DATEV Integration & SEPA XML


Invoice management


ERP Schnittstelle für Bestellungen / Rechnungen


Cost Savings & Avoidance Analytics








ERP Onboarding



Weitere Shopanbindungen






Line Item Approval



Custom Fields






ERP Stammdatensynchronisation



Mehrere Gesellschaften




Webhooks Schnittstellen




Contact us

Individual price inquiry

We will be happy to provide you with an individual offer, tailored to your needs. you can also reach us at or +49 (0) 1512 8299488.

Your information


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Frequently asked questions

Gain control over your costs, transparency and an overview of all data, because thanks to our powerful analysis functions you can easily visualize and analyze your costs. With our cost management tool, you can perform budget analysis and expense reporting to get a clear picture of your cost structure. See your entire spending history at a glance to identify trends and weaknesses in your purchasing process. Thanks to the help of automatic alerts that you can set up individually, you can focus on the essentials again and save costs. With our budget analysis and spend reporting, you can manage your costs more efficiently and maximize your profits.

Maintain control over your suppliers and contracts through automated processes and standardized databases. Thanks to a uniform presentation of all contract details, not only are changes possible quickly, but comparisons between service providers and dealers are also much easier. Automatic reminders of upcoming renewals or changes prevent human error. Finally, changes can be tracked more easily thanks to the history. With our software, you can create standardized guidelines for supplier selection and contract design and adhere to them company-wide. Thanks to the clear presentation and automation, not only are your employees relieved, but you also save time and money.

You want to speed up your indirect purchasing. The best way to do this is to optimize your ordering and approval processes. Our purchasing software can automate recurring tasks such as placing orders, obtaining quotes and tracking deliveries. This minimizes human error and saves time. We also simplify internal communication by using predefined routines to regulate approvals. Thanks to integrations such as Microsoft Teams and Slack, approvals can be granted with a single click in future. Your employees receive clear budget frameworks and you can see the complete approval history with all responsible parties in your dashboard.

How secure is my exchanged data and information in a cloud? You can be sure that your data is in the best hands with us. We attach great importance to data protection. Our data center is located in Germany and your data never leaves Europe. What's more, end-to-end encryption provides additional security. Particularly sensitive data, such as invoices, is stored in specially protected entities. Daily backups and redundant systems protect you from data loss.

New applications in the company do not always have to involve a great deal of implementation effort. Some things can also be done simply. eProcurement solutions should be compatible with various ERP systems and webhooks that are already established in your company.

Products or services are purchased outside the approved supplier network and the approved purchasing process is not followed. This leads to higher costs, lack of quality control and lack of reworkability of the purchasing activity. This is why many companies set guidelines. However, at least 30% of the company's purchases do not comply with the purchasing guidelines. With standardized order catalogs, companies can make their purchasing processes fast and efficient, putting an end to the shadowy existence of maverick buying. The order catalogs are intuitive to use and bring order and overview to the purchasing chaos. You can ensure that your company receives the best products and services at the best prices and that unauthorized purchases are no longer possible.
Are you worried that the investment won't pay off because set-up fees, implementation costs and training will tie up too many resources? Our promise to you: We don't charge a set-up fee, you only pay per user. Hivebuy is implemented so quickly that hardly any resources are required. The procurement software is ready for use company-wide within 1 hour. Employee training is redundant thanks to the intuitive usability of the software.
Findout more about how the Hivebuy platform can be integrated at your companyhere.
Products or services are purchased outside the approved supplier network and the approved purchasing process is not followed. This leads to higher costs, lack of quality control and lack of reworkability of the purchasing activity. This is why many companies set guidelines. However, at least 30% of the company's purchases do not comply with purchasing guidelines. With standardized order catalogs, companies can make their purchasing processes fast and efficient, putting an end to the shadowy existence of maverick buying. The order catalogs are intuitive to use and bring order and overview to the purchasing chaos. You can ensure that your company receives the best products and services at the best prices and that unauthorized purchases are no longer possible.